Atomax-UK respects your privacy and does not sell, rent or loan any identifiable information collected on this site. We promise to keep your data safe.

Our Privacy Policy

We do not seek to identify individual visitors to our website unless they volunteer their contact details through one of the forms on the site. These forms invite you to submit your contact details and other information about yourself or your organisation. In each case, the purpose for the request is clear and we will distinguish between essential or optional data. Where we collect data, we do so do so on our own behalf only. This makes Atomax-UK the data controller under the terms of data protection legislation. We will only ever use your data for the purpose you specifically requested.

Legal Compliance

Data protection legislation sets out the legal routes for collecting and processing personal data:

  • Consent – for example when you opt in to email services
  • Contractual Obligations – where data is required to complete a contract
  • Legal Compliance – where the law compels the processing of certain data
  • Legitimate Interest – where your data is required for legitimate business interests and would be reasonably expected as part of the relationship

Information we Collect

Data Requested Purpose of Processing Lawful Basis
Name, email address and phone number To process your application for a job role or speculative application Legitimate interest
Desired role, availability and willingness to commute To ensure we only contact you about relevant roles Legitimate interest
CV’s and certificates Are requested to ensure suitability for roles but are optional Legitimate interest, and sometimes legal compliance where specific certification is required for a role


Cookies are small text files which are stored on your computer when you visit most websites. We use a number of Google Analytics cookies to better understand visits. This data is anonymous, meaning we cannot identify an individual visitor. This data is used to better understand how people use our website with the aim of providing a better visitor experience.


Unless you request otherwise, we will follow our standard retention periods for job applications. We will consider speculative applications inactive if we have had no contact with you for a period of two years. If you apply for a specific role we will only process your data in relation to that role and we will hold the applications of unsuccessful candidates for six months after appointment, in order to comply with legal challenges. You can ask us to keep your application for longer, for example in case of future opportunities, and if you do so the retention period for speculative applications of two years will apply.

Your Rights

  • The right to access – as a data subject, you have the right to request a free copy of information we hold about you. You will need proof of your identity.  Your request will be processed within 30 days of receiving your completed form and ID.
  • The right to fair processing – we have set out above the reasons we collect and use the personal data you provide plus the retention periods we will apply.
  • The right to correct personal data – we appreciate your circumstances may change. You can have your data amended by emailing [email protected].
  • The right to delete your data – you can ask us to remove your information by emailing [email protected].
  • In addition we will not make any decisions wholly via automated processes. We believe the human touch is needed in recruitment.

How To Contact Us

We hope this Privacy Statement gives you the information you need regarding how we process your information. If you have any further questions please get in touch by emailing [email protected],

This statement is regularly reviewed. Please check in from time to time to keep up to date. Last updated – June 2024.